100+ 1st Birthday Wishes

The joy of celebrating a child’s first birthday is a momentous occasion filled with cake, balloons, and those adorable, chubby cheeks that make everyone go “aww.”

As friends and family gather to honor this milestone, there’s one important task at hand: finding the perfect words to write on that first birthday card. 

Now, let’s face it, writing a message can be a bit of a challenge. After all, they’re just beginning to discover the wonders of the world, and their vocabulary mostly consists of giggles, gurgles, and the occasional “mama” or “dada.” 

But nothing to worry about.

We’ve got you covered with a collection of engaging, funny, and oh-so-adorable ideas that will make your birthday wishes stand out and put a smile on the little one’s face (and maybe even make the parents chuckle). 

1st Birthday Wishes

  1. “Happy first birthday to a super-cute bundle of joy so full of energy. Lots and lots of energy!”

  2. “Isn’t it amazing how much you’ve grown in the last year? We can’t wait to see what the next years bring. Happy birthday!”

  3. “Turning one is a big milestone! Enjoy every moment.”

  4. “Happy first birthday! Here’s to a lifetime of laughter, love, and beautiful memories.”

  5. “One year ago, you came into our lives and brought with you so much sunshine and joy. Happy birthday, little darling!”

  6. “On your first birthday, we want to celebrate the miracle of your birth and new life by stuffing our faces in front of you. Yum! Happy Birthday!”

  7. “Happy first birthday to you! May your day be filled with playtime fun and lots of cake!”

  8. “Happy Birthday, cutie! Damn, you just went after your mom.”

  9. “Twelve months have flown by, and here we are celebrating your very first birthday. Have a fabulous day, little one!”

  10. “Hope your birthday is as special as you are, little one. We love you to the moon and back!”

  11. “A little birdie told me that today is a very special day for a very special baby. Happy 1st birthday!”

  12. “It’s your first birthday. You know what that means… Go wild! Destroy that cake!”

  13. “You may be just a toddler and may not really care, but we promise to celebrate your birthday with pomp and flair. Happy first!”

  14. “Have an awesome day today, and you can still have some birthday cake, even though you’re probably more interested in the box it comes in!”

  15. “Happy first birthday to the magician in our lives, the cute little toddler who takes away all our worries with a single smile.”

  16. “You’re not just turning one, but you’re number one in our hearts. Happy birthday!”

  17. “Happy 1st birthday! Remember that it’s OK to get cake all over your face. It’s your birthday!”

  18. “Congrats on your first birthday! Remember: There’s no limit to the number of times you can throw your cake at the wall!”

  19. “Can’t believe you’re one year old already. Time flies when you’re having pure, unadulterated fun!”

  20. “Happy first birthday to a future heartbreaker!”

  21. “Happy birthday to the sweetest one-year-old little one who we have grown to love so much.”

  22. “You’re one year old! Now if we could just get your sleep schedule aligned with the night time.”

  23. “From the day you were born until now, you have brought nothing but immense joy and happiness to our lives. Happy first birthday!”

  24. “In just one year, you’ve made an astonishing impact on our world. Here’s to many more years of fun and joy. Happy birthday!”

  25. “Happy birthday to a charming, intelligent, and all-around amazing toddler – the best in the universe!”

  26. “To the most adorable 1-year-old I know, have a happy birthday! Enjoy that cuteness factor while it lasts.”

  27. “Just one year ago, God sent us a sweet angel. May your blessings multiply as you grow.”

  28. “May your first birthday be the first of many filled with happiness. We love you!”

  29. “You may only be turning one, but you have already made a huge impact in our world. Have a good birthday!”

  30. “Hey kiddo, we wish you a great day and hope you receive some great presents.”

  31. “Happy first birthday! I know you may be too young to remember this day but I want you know how much you are loved.”

  32. “You are a great son, an adorable nephew, a sweet grandson, and a loving brother. Enjoy your first birthday!”

  33. “Twelve months ago, we began the best journey of our lives: getting to know you, grow with you, and learn from you. Happy first birthday!”

  34. “This is just the first of many ‘happy birthdays’ for you. Have a deliciously fun first birthday, little one!”

  35. “You are just one, but you know one thing – 59 years are still left for your retirement. Happy first birthday!”

  36. “Have a rock-and-roll first birthday, buddy!”

  37. “You may not know it yet, but you are loved by all. Happy first birthday!”

  38. “Congratulations on figuring out all those motor skills. I mean, you could probably use a little more practice, but you’ve got a pretty endearing waddle going on for the time being. Have a great first birthday!”

  39. “You are turning one and it is such a special moment. Happy birthday, cutie!”

  40. “You are one year old today, and it is more exciting than any of your parents’ milestones. Trust me.”

  41. “Happy first birthday! We can’t wait to watch you grow up and be the splendid person you are set out to become.”

  42. “A year ago you were a tiny baby, but today you are a big boy/girl. Happy first birthday!”

  43. “On your first birthday, I wish you to be as strong as Superman, as brave as Batman, as swift as Spiderman. But most of all, as loving and caring as all of them put together.”

  44. “It’s your first birthday! You know what that means… Time for us adults to celebrate your birthday while you get busy with that wrapper.”

  45. “In just one year of life, you have blessed us with so much love and cuteness. Happy Birthday!”

  46. “Today we celebrate one whole year of you and all the joy you’ve brought into our lives. Here’s to many more!”

  47. “You’re one today! That’s 12 months of pure awesomeness.”

  48. “Happy 1st birthday! At your age, life gives you always a second chance. Literally.”

  49. “Happy birthday to our sweet baby girl/boy. It’s been a year full of new memories and first times.”

  50. “We pray that your birthday is filled with joy and God casts upon you a prosperous and healthy life. Happy 1st birthday!”

  51. “It’s been a whole year since we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl/boy. We count those blessings every day.”

  52. “Happy birthday to the sweetest one-year-old little one who has won everyone’s hearts with his/her cute smile.”

  53. “Enjoy your first birthday party, make it loud and memorable!”

  54. “Happy birthday to our adorable baby! Your journey into toddlerhood is just beginning.”

  55. “May your first birthday be the first of many more filled with just as much love and family.”

  56. “Happy 1st birthday to our giggling, clapping, adorable, curious baby boy/girl.”

  57. “Happy first birthday! Enjoy your special day filled with presents, sweetness, and most of all, love!”

  58. “On your first birthday, I wish you nothing but happiness. Be a student of life and you are good to go.”

  59. “Happy 1st birthday, little one. May you have plenty of years ahead filled with joy, health, and prosperity.”

  60. “Happy birthday to the most beautiful one-year-old. We are blessed to have you as our child.”

  61. “Your first year has flown by so quickly. Please try not to grow up too fast!”

  62. “Happy first birthday to the little one and best wishes to the parents!”

  63. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. – Dr. Seuss. Happy 1st Birthday!”

  64. “Hey there, cutie! Have a delightful first birthday.”

  65. “Happy first birthday, you adorable little mischief-maker!”

  66. “You’ve lived only one of your many birthdays to come. Congratulations, little one!”

  67. “Happy Birthday to a darling little angel. You have blessed the hearts of so many during your short time with us, we know you’ll touch so many more to come.”

  68. “Turning one is awesome, especially if it involves eating cake and opening presents!”

  69. “Congratulations on completing your first trip around the sun, little one!”

  70. “Today is one-of-a-kind – just like you. Happy first birthday!”

  71. “Happy first birthday! Here’s to you growing older and us learning more about parenting.”

  72. “Congratulations, you’ve made it through your first year! Can’t wait to see the many things you’ll accomplish.”

  73. “Sending you lots of love on your first birthday. We’re looking forward to many more years of birthday fun with you.”

  74. “Congratulations on your first birthday! From now on, each year will bring new discoveries and joy.”

  75. “Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop, may you grow and never stop. Happy First Birthday!”

  76. “You are our family’s sweetest melody and most beautiful tune! Happy first birthday, our little star.”

  77. “Balloons and gifts, balloons and friends, balloons and fun. Enjoy your first special day little prince/princess!”

  78. “You’re a whole year old! It’s time to waddle your way into those terrible twos. Have fun! Happy Birthday!”

  79. “You’ve got a whole number to grow! Happy first birthday, little one!”

  80. “One year down, and many, many, many more to go. Happy birthday!”

  81. “Happy first birthday! Just when you think a year has flown by, the next one will feel like it lasted a lifetime.”

  82. “Just one year ago, you were learning how to breathe. Look at you now, all set to conquer the world. Happy birthday!”

  83. “Happy first birthday! May your birthday be the start of a joyous journey that leads you to an even more amazing future.”

  84. “You are the sweetest one-year-old I know. You’re also the messiest. Happy birthday!”

  85. “It’s your first birthday. Frankly this is better than your parent’s wedding that I attended. Happy birthday!”

  86. “Happy first birthday, little one. The money that I am giving you now is your road to one billion”

  87. “Twelve months of happiness, 52 weeks of laughter, 365 days of love. Happy first birthday!”

  88. “Happy 1st birthday! Today is one special day that you will remember when you read this many years from now.”

  89. “One year of sweetness, one year of love, one year of joy. Happy birthday, little one.”

  90. “Happy 1st birthday! May every day of your life continue to be a celebration, just as it is today.”

  91. “On your first birthday, I wish that all your dreams and wishes come true.”

  92. “Today is the start of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in this beautiful world. Happy first birthday.”

  93. “Happy first birthday to the little one who has given us more happiness and joy than we could ever imagine.”

  94. “In just one year, you’ve transformed from a newborn to a true little person. Happy first birthday!”

  95. “Your first year has been filled with lots of milestones. Here’s to many more. Happy birthday!”

  96. “Happy 1st birthday! Remember that life is short. So don’t hesitate to eat that second piece of cake!”

  97. “Congratulations, little one! You’ve completed one full orbit around the sun, but you’ve already brightened our lives more than a thousand suns.”

  98. “Wow, one whole year has passed already! The vacation of happiness has just begun. Happy 1st birthday!”

  99. “To the world’s cutest one-year-old: we are so amazed by every single thing that you’ve learned and done in the last year.”

  100. “Happy 1st birthday! Don’t worry, we won’t bug you with all of these long words for another 12 months. Enjoy your smash cake.”