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80 Inspirational December Quotes (Short, Funny, For Work and For Kids)

December has arrived, and with it comes a unique blend of excitement, chaos, and a dash of existential crisis. It’s the month where you’re caught between the joys of the holiday season and the looming reality of all those New Year’s resolutions you conveniently “forgot” about. 

The lights are twinkling, the snow is falling (unless you’re somewhere sunny and warm—then you’re just confused), and you’re wondering how the year flew by so quickly. 

Irrespective of whether you’re ready to conquer the world or just survive the holiday season, these inspirational December quotes will get you through December with a smile on your face, a warm drink in hand, and maybe even a bit of wisdom.

Short Inspirational December Quotes

1. December is a reminder that even the coldest months have their own warmth and light.

2. In the hush of December, we find the strength to embrace the stillness and reflect on the year gone by.

3. As the year winds down, December teaches us the beauty of endings and the promise of new beginnings.

4. December’s snowflakes are like the dreams we dared to dream, unique and boundless.

5. The last month of the year is nature’s way of telling us that even in the frost, there is still hope.

Short Inspirational December Quotes

6. December whispers that every season has its own magic, waiting to be discovered by those who seek it.

7. In December, the shortest days offer the longest nights to dream, reflect, and plan.

8. December brings the quiet realization that the best gifts are often those we cannot see.

9. The chill in the December air is a gentle reminder that warmth is something we carry within.

10. December’s twilight holds a mirror to our souls, asking us to look back with gratitude and forward with hope.

Short Inspirational December Quotes

11. Each December sunset marks the closing of a chapter, but the dawn always brings the promise of a new story.

12. December is the time to gather the lessons of the year, wrapping them in the wisdom gained for the journey ahead.

13. As the year fades, December invites us to light the fire of our dreams, no matter how dark the night.

14. December teaches us that every ending is just another chance to start anew, with the hope of spring hidden in winter’s embrace.

15. The frost of December reminds us that sometimes, the coldest moments hold the deepest warmth within.

Short Inspirational December Quotes

16. In December’s silence, we hear the echoes of our hopes, guiding us toward the future.

17. December’s beauty lies not just in the snow, but in the quiet reflection of a year well-lived.

18. December days may be short, but their quiet power can stretch into eternity if we let them.

19. The heart of December is not in the gifts we give, but in the love and kindness we share.

20. As the year draws to a close, December encourages us to embrace the stillness and prepare for the blossoming yet to come.

Short Inspirational December Quotes

Funny Inspirational December Quotes

1. “December: The month when your diet starts next year.”

2. “In December, we’re all one gingerbread cookie away from achieving greatness!”

3. “December is the perfect time to reflect on the year…and realize you still have 31 days to achieve those New Year’s resolutions!”

4. “Remember, December is just 31 days of pretending you’ll start exercising in January.”

5. “December: The only month where your to-do list includes ‘buy a snow shovel’ and ‘regret buying a snow shovel’.”

Funny Inspirational December Quotes

6. “If December was a person, it would be that friend who constantly brings you cookies—irresistible, but you know you’re in trouble.”

7. “In December, even your coffee needs a little holiday spirit…and maybe a splash of something stronger.”

8. “December is the month when your willpower hibernates, but your holiday spirit is wide awake!”

9. “It’s December, the month when every day is a reminder that you didn’t save enough vacation days.”

10. “December: Where your bank account is lighter, but your spirit is heavier…with cookies!”

Funny Inspirational December Quotes

11. “December is the month that whispers, ‘Start planning for next year!’ but you’re too busy wrapping presents.”

12. “In December, the weather outside is frightful, but the holiday memes are so delightful!”

13. “December is like a mulled wine: warm, spicy, and a little too easy to indulge in.”

14. “In December, motivation to work takes a holiday, but the urge to snack on festive treats is in full swing.”

15. “December: The only month when you can wrap yourself in lights and still be considered festive.”

Funny Inspirational December Quotes

16. “December is when your inner Grinch battles your holiday cheer—and the cookies always win.”

17. “December is that magical time of year when your ‘to buy’ list is longer than your ‘to-do’ list.”

18. “December is like a snow globe: beautiful, chaotic, and full of tiny surprises.”

19. “December: The month where every email ends with, ‘Let’s circle back in January’.”

20. “In December, every day feels like a holiday…even if the only gift is surviving the cold!”

Funny Inspirational December Quotes

Inspirational December Quotes For Work

1. “As the year draws to a close, let December remind you that every challenge you’ve faced has been a stepping stone toward your growth. Keep pushing forward, for the best is yet to come.”

2. “December is a time to reflect on all you’ve achieved, but also a reminder that the goals you set can still be reached with a final surge of dedication and hard work.”

3. “Let the cold winds of December invigorate your spirit, reminding you that perseverance and passion are the warmth needed to conquer any professional challenge.”

4. “In December, as the days grow shorter, let your resolve grow stronger. The end of the year is not the end of your journey; it’s a pause to prepare for new beginnings.”

5. “December is the month to finish strong. Don’t let the year end with any regrets—pour your heart into your work and let your accomplishments be your gift to yourself.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Work

6. “As December closes in, remember that every small step taken in your work this year adds up to a giant leap. Celebrate your progress, but never stop moving forward.”

7. “December is a chapter filled with reflection and ambition. Reflect on the year’s lessons and let them fuel your ambition to end the year on a high note.”

8. “In the twilight of the year, December asks you to dig deep, find your inner strength, and push through to meet the goals you set for yourself.”

9. “As the snow begins to fall in December, let it remind you that even in the quiet moments, your hard work can accumulate into something beautiful and impactful.”

10. “December is the perfect time to evaluate your journey. Embrace the successes and learn from the setbacks, knowing that both are essential ingredients in your recipe for success.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Work

11. “December’s end is not a finish line but a marker of your resilience and growth. Use this month to consolidate your strengths and prepare for the opportunities of the coming year.”

12. “In the stillness of December, find clarity in your purpose and drive in your goals. The quiet of the season is the perfect backdrop for creating a vision for the future.”

13. “As you navigate the final days of December, let every action be a reflection of your commitment to excellence. Let this month be a testament to your dedication throughout the year.”

14. “December is a bridge between the past and the future. Take time to honor the hard work you’ve put in and use it as a foundation to build even greater success in the new year.”

15. “The winter chill of December is a reminder that the warmth of success comes from within. Keep your inner fire burning bright, and let it guide you through to the end of the year.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Work

16. “December is the perfect time to tie up loose ends and bring your projects to a close. Let the satisfaction of completion be your motivation to end the year on a high note.”

17. “In December, as the year wanes, let your enthusiasm and commitment wax. Finish the year with the same energy and passion that you started with, and you’ll set the stage for a brilliant new year.”

18. “As December’s days slip away, remember that it’s not about how the year started, but how you finish. Pour your energy into making these final moments count.”

19. “December invites you to pause and reflect, but also to push forward with renewed vigor. The year isn’t over yet, and neither are the opportunities to make it your best one yet.”

20. “Let December be a time of celebration for your achievements, but also a time of preparation for the journey ahead. The work you do now sets the tone for the successes of tomorrow.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Work

Inspirational December Quotes For Kids

1. “December is a magical month full of wonder and joy. As the year ends, remember to keep your heart open to the beauty around you and let your dreams sparkle like the holiday lights.”

2. “As the days get colder in December, let your kindness warm the world around you. Every small act of goodness can make someone’s day brighter, just like the stars light up the night.”

3. “December is a time to believe in the magic of your dreams. No matter how big or small, every dream is special, and this month is perfect for planting the seeds that will grow in the new year.”

4. “As December snowflakes fall, remember that just like each snowflake is unique, so are you. Celebrate what makes you special and use this month to share your gifts with the world.”

5. “December is the month of giving and sharing, not just gifts, but also your smile, your laughter, and your love. These are the most precious gifts you can offer to those around you.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Kids

6. “As you count down the days of December, remember that the joy of the season comes from spending time with family and friends. Cherish these moments, for they are the true treasures of the holidays.”

7. “In December, as the year comes to an end, think about all the things you’ve learned. Every day was an opportunity to grow, and now you are stronger and smarter because of it.”

8. “December is a time for new adventures. Whether you’re building a snowman or helping with holiday decorations, remember that each moment is an opportunity to create happy memories.”

9. “As December wraps the world in a blanket of snow, let your imagination soar. There are no limits to what you can dream or create, so let this month be full of creativity and fun.”

10. “December is a time of celebration, not just for holidays, but also for all the things you’ve accomplished throughout the year. Be proud of how far you’ve come and get excited for the adventures ahead.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Kids

11. “In December, let your heart be full of gratitude. Whether it’s for a warm cup of cocoa, a cozy blanket, or the love of family, there’s always something to be thankful for.”

12. “As December days grow shorter, let your hopes grow bigger. The end of the year is just the beginning of a new journey, and there’s so much to look forward to.”

13. “December is a month to dream big. Like the twinkling lights on a tree, let your dreams shine brightly and guide you toward a future filled with endless possibilities.”

14. “As the year ends in December, take a moment to look back at all the good things you’ve done. Every kind word, every smile you’ve shared, has made the world a better place.”

15. “December is the perfect time to spread joy. Whether it’s through a handmade gift or a simple hug, your actions can fill others with happiness and make the season even more special.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Kids

16. “In December, remember that the greatest gifts aren’t the ones you find under the tree, but the love, laughter, and moments you share with those you care about.”

17. “As you enjoy the magic of December, remember that you are part of that magic too. Your laughter, your joy, and your kindness add sparkle to the world around you.”

18. “December is a time to celebrate the little things. Whether it’s catching snowflakes on your tongue or snuggling up with a good book, these small moments bring the greatest joy.”

19. “As the year ends in December, know that the best is yet to come. Each new year is a chance to start fresh, try new things, and become the best version of yourself.”

20. “December is a month of dreams and wonder. Let your heart be filled with the spirit of the season, and carry that magic with you into the new year.”

Inspirational December Quotes For Kids